The Music Teachers’ Association of California® Foundation is a charitable organization, established in 1989 to support students across the over 60 affiliated Branches statewide through the Foundation awards and scholarship programs. Since its establishment, the MTAC Foundation has provided thousands of dollars in grants, awards and scholarships to hundreds of deserving young students.
Mission Statement
The mission of the MTAC Foundation is to provide opportunities for further musical education, the creation of new music, and public performances through scholarships, grants and awards.
Why Give
When you contribute to the MTAC Foundation, you are helping foster artistic growth and achievement through programs that nurture the creation, performance, and further study of music. Your donation will fund the awards and scholarships given to deserving young musicians seeking to further their education and experience in both performance and creative musical fields. These musicians strive to achieve new heights in performances through the VOCE and Piano Concerto/Piano Solo competitions as well as the Young Artist Guild, which assists promising students in establishing a musical career. The Improvisation, Composers Today and the Young Composers Guild programs inspire students to create new music, and students have the opportunity to work with internationally renowned composers through the Friends of Today’s Music program which brings composer, performer, and audience together for an adventure in contemporary music. The Music Study Assistance Grant provides financial assistance to support ongoing private music study for motivated MTAC students.
With your support, the MTAC Foundation can continue to bring educational opportunities to students and to challenge them to achieve artistic excellence. Your contribution to the MTAC Foundation is an investment in the future.
Support Students in the Following Programs
Your donation provides awards, grants and scholarships for students in these programs to support the students in their musical endeavors and motivate them to aspire to a high level of artistry and creativity, in addition to enabling students to further their musical education.
Select on a program below to donate or click here to learn more about each program.
**The Second Century Fund is a general fund designated for initiatives that benefit all of the MTAC Foundation programs.
Gifts to Music Teachers’ Association of California® Foundation can be made “in honor of” or “in memoriam” by selecting a program above and indicating the person to be honored in the notes section.
Donate by Mail
Make checks payable to “Music Teachers’ Association of California Foundation” and mail to:
Music Teachers’ Association of California Foundation
2121 N. California Blvd, Suite 1030
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
About the Programs
Music Study Assistance Grant
This grant is awarded to assist highly-motivated students of active MTAC teachers, who have a financial need, to support them in their ongoing, private music study. Your donation ensures that this fund continues to enable students in need to continue their music lessons.
This fund provides awards for students of this prestigious competition for vocalists, strings, winds/brass, and chamber ensembles. Your donation helps to support these students in their musical endeavors and motivate them to aspire to a high level of musical achievement.
Composers Today
Offers awards for students in the Composers Today programs, to motivate them to create new compositions which receive professional feedback from some of today's leading composers, and to encourage students to continue developing their overall musicianship skills through their compositional studies.
Karen Owen Young Artist Guild Fund
Provides scholarships to the most gifted musicians in the Certificate of Merit® program to support their continued music education and to offer them semi-professional paid performance opportunities through MTAC branch-sponsored concerts. This fund is named in honor of former MTAC State Board member Karen Owen who was a dedicated supporter of the Certificate of Merit® and Young Artist Guild programs.
Young Composers Guild
The fund provides scholarships to young composers helping them further their music education and provide performance opportunities for their works in semi-professional paid performance opportunities through MTAC branch-sponsored concerts. YCG also provides a venue for current members to present new works to be evaluated by leading composers.
Friends of Today's Music
Supports the creation and publication of new works by leading composers of our time by commissioning from them a work written specifically for young musicians which is premiered by students during the MTAC Convention. Your donation helps to keep this unique program alive where students have the opportunity to collaborate with the composer of the piece, and demonstrates the importance of playing music not only from the past but also music being created by today's composers.
Offers awards to inspire students to enhance their musical creativity through improvisation and to encourage them to strive to earn the honor of performing their improvisations at the annual MTAC Convention.
Compose a Legacy: Donation Options
Gifts to Music Teachers' Association of California® Foundation can be made "in honor of" or "in memoriam".
All gifts are eligible for tax deductions as allowable by law. The following information is general in nature. Before making any decision, please consult with an attorney and/or financial advisor.
Any amount is appreciated.
Appreciated Assets
Contribute appreciated assets such as stocks or real estate.
Existing Life Insurance
Name the MTAC Foundation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
Include MTAC Foundation in a charitable trust and/or annuities that provide the donor with a fixed or variable lifetime income.
Other Options
eScrip eScrip.com allows you to shop online, buy groceries, or dine out to make a difference for the organizations you choose. Visit our family of merchants for a complete list of participants in the program. Shop online with over 700 merchant partners at eScrip Online Mall. Register one or all of your grocery loyalty, debit and credit cards for use in the program Go to www.escrip.com eScrip
Here’s How it Works
Participating merchants make contributions based on your purchases.
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Did You Know
- Students who engage in music programs outperform their peers in GPA, graduation rate, ACT scores, attendance, and discipline referrals. (KU News)
- Playing an instrument can lead to brain structural changes within just 15 months that improve motor and auditory skills in young children. (Bergman)
- Music is extremely beneficial for children’s language development. (Brown)
- Elementary school students with a superior music program scored 22% higher in English and 20% higher in math scores on standardized tests, compared to schools with low-quality music programs. (Brown)
The Music Teachers’ Association of California® Foundation, established in 1989 as the philanthropic arm of the MTAC Association, is a California based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization.